ANDK socket Get the USA Trademark

ANDK Socket Get the USA Trademark

With 8 month waiting, Shenzhen hongyi electronic technology Co.,Ltd get the “ ANDK ” Brand from United states of America patent and trademark office on July 31th,2018.The trademark register number:5530096.ANDK brand socket is belong to Int.CI.:9.
Our all socket(include BGA socketQFN socketDDR burn in socketFPC connector socketQFP socketSOP / SOIC socketcrystal oscillator socketTSOP socketSSD test solution, etc) are legally sold in the US, and our test socket and its brands are protected by US law.
At the same time,we also update our “ ANDK ” brand on the Amazon which is the largest online e-commerce company in the United States.
Our Amazon US will sold the conventional IC test socket on there. If you also need the customized socket, please click here to contact with the seller.

trademark USA

